Encyclopedia Britannica 2011 Ultimate

Keep up-to-date with Britannica. The Encyclopdia Britannica 2011 Ultimate DVD offers you more than ever, including extensive new and revised articles to. Explore the fact-checked online encyclopedia from Encyclopaedia Britannica with hundreds of thousands of objective articles, biographies, videos, and images from experts. Bathing Beauties Or Beefcake - Luxury Suite here. Buy Encyclopaedia Britannica 2011 Ultimate Edition (PC/Mac) at Amazon UK. Free delivery on eligible orders. Encyclopaedia Britannica 2011 Ultimate Edition DVD for Student and Home 4.36 GB Craigs list 100,000 articles, the final Reference Suite 2011 has more content than.
Encyclopedia Britannica 2011 Ultimate Reference DVD-ROM PC MAC 4.29 GB Keep up-to-date with Britannica. The Encyclopdia Britannica 2011 Ultimate DVD offers you more than ever, including extensive new and revised articles to put you at the forefront of recent advances so you can spend less time searching and more time learning. Written by 4,300 expert contributors the Encyclopdia Britannica 2011 Ultimate DVD is an invaluable resource for all the family, and as it�s from Britannica you know it is information you can trust! For 2011 our three-age specific, easy to use learning areas have all been updated with a wealth of new information. Find out more about the Haiti earthquake of 2010; the global recession; Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps who won a record eight gold medals; the author of the popular Twilight series Stephenie Meyer; Germany�s first female chancellor Angela Merkel and much much more. � Suitable for all Provides access to a vast world of trusted knowledge and offers a wealth of interactive education for the entire family with three age-specific learning areas: * Encyclopdia Britannica � specific learning area for secondary school, university and adults * Student � specific learning area for ages 10-14 * Children�s � specific learning area for ages 6-10 � Thousands of new and revised articles!
New content covering the past year�s news and events, with existing content updated to reflect new developments. � World Atlas Search thousands of maps, flags, articles and statistics in the interactive World Atlas � Britannica Workspace Saving project-related articles, images and videos in one convenient location with just the click of a button! � World Data Analyst Provides comprehensive statistics on every nation of the world. Perform statistical comparisons between countries and explore changes over time. � Plus many more amazing features included!
The 2011 Britannica Ultimate Reference DVD includes: � Encyclopdia Britannica Access the world's most trusted and authoritative information, featuring over 90,000 articles from the 32-volume Encyclopdia Britannica print set. � Britannica Student Encyclopedia Find information easily in over 16,000 entries that are tailored to school subjects. � Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia Instill a look-it-up habit that will stay with students in school and in life. � Book of the Year Explore notable events in 11,968 articles covering science, politics, sports, and more from 1993 - 2009. � Homework Helpdesk A collection of useful homework resources including a video subject browse, online learning games and activities, online subject spotlights, and how-to documents on topics such as writing a book review. � Online Learning Games and Activities Hundreds of fun and interactive games and activities to help students with subjects like Math, Science, and Social Studies. � Two Complete Dictionaries and Thesauruses from Merriam-Webster� Together, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate� and Student Dictionaries and Thesauruses provide access to 405,000 definitions, synonyms and antonyms.
� Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Translation Dictionary Translate an English word to Spanish and a Spanish word to English with the click of the mouse. � World Atlas Take a tour of the world through more than 2,900 maps linked to articles about countries, economies, cultures, and national statistics. � Timelines Watch history unfold with timelines that show the people, events, and discoveries of the past. � Britannica BrainStormer Discover new ideas and relationships between topics with this interactive tool. � Britannica Classics Discover new ideas and relationships between topics with this interactive tool. � Explore Easily browse through Videos, Britannica Classics, Classical Music, and more.
� Adobe Id And Password Generator. Explore Feature! Heroes & Villains The �Heroes & Villains� feature provides easy access to more than 600 biographies covering the world�s heroes and villains throughout time. � Virtual Notecards Take and save notes from your articles on a virtual notecard. Notes are printable, which makes your research easier, more productive and portable. � Britannica Workspace Save articles, images, video, and more in one convenient location to help keep your research organised.