Legend Of Korra Game Pc

Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC Genre: Action Release Date: October 21, 2016 for PlayStation 4 (US), PlayStation 3 (US), Steam (Worldwide), and October 22, 2016 for PlayStation 4 (EU), PlayStation 3 (EU), Xbox One (Worldwide), Xbox 360 (Worldwide) Price: $14.99 *Download Only Publisher: Activision Publishing, Inc. Developer: PlatinumGames Inc. © 2014 Viacom International Inc. All rights reserved. Nickelodeon, Legend of Korra and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. Game ©2014 Activision Publishing, Inc. PlatinumGames lovingly adapt Nickelodeon’s animated television program, The Legend of Korra, into an intense brawling action game worthy of the name. The game features an original story by Tim Hedrick, one of the show’s writers, that takes place between Books Two and Three of the TV program. Korra fans will thrill to numerous animated cutscenes created by a studio involved in the actual show.
The Legend of Korra is a third-person action game, supporting single-player play only. Players control Korra, the series' heroine, as she fights villains from the first two seasons of the series with the bending arts, a spiritual and physical practice similar in appearance to Eastern martial arts by which practitioners move and alter the elements of water, earth, fire and air. Setelah film animasinya, kini hadir Game The Legend of Korra yang mungkin telah anda nantikan sejak lama, sebab cerita Avatar Korra memang menarik untuk di. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for The Legend Of Korra for PC.
You’ll control Korra as she bends the four elements – fire, earth, air, and water – to her will, and grows as the Avatar in a beautifully cell-shaded world that faithfully represents her universe. The Legend of Korra provides hours of fun for both fans of the series and hardcore action game veterans alike. Bend the four elements of water, earth, fire and air for incredible Kung Fu action that faithfully represents combat in the original show. Waterbending allows for long-range attacks – perfect for hitting enemies at a distance.
Earthbending employs heavy defensive stances and strong kicks and punches. Andrew York Denouement Rar File. Firebending places emphasis on quick, successive attacks. Airbending harnesses the power of wind for crowd control. Korra can switch freely between these elements at any time, and choosing the right bending type for each situation is essential to your success.
Korra’s mastery of martial arts and the four elements allow for powerful combos and counters and deliver devastating finishers against her foes. It’s the perfect match for the speedy, high-octane action gameplay that PlatinumGames is known for!