Windows 7 32-bit Patch To Support 4gb Or 8gb Ram

The Russian Programmers Group 'staforce' has written a small program witch removes the lock in the kernel of the 32-bit version of Windows 7. With such an unlocked (patched) kernel all 32 bit versions of Windows 7 suddenly can use almost the entire 4 GB of RAM, 8 GB of RAM - up to 64 GB of RAM.
Windows 7: 32-bit with full 4 GB or 8 GB RAM support. How To Install Color Map Mod Oblivion. The patch basically modifies the Windows 7 Kernel to be more like the Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition, which is compatible with up to 8gb of RAM under 32-bit mode. The patch allows you to extend the PAE well into 8gb of RAM under Windows 7 32-bit. For more information about why Microsoft implemented this technical limitation, see this article. Windows 7: 32-bit with full 4 GB or 8 GB RAM support.
The patch program automatically makes a copy of the kernel file, then removes the lock and integrates the new kernel file as an extra boot menu entry in the Windows 7 boot menu. Then you have the option to start Windows 7 either as usual with the original kernel or with the modified kernel. I don't know why you people have to launch into such a vicious attack just because someone posts something they found interesting. Yes, the site itself seems to be a machine-translated version of a foreign-language post, but so? It is a fact that 32-bit Windows does in fact support large amounts of memory, but that artificial restrictions have been introduced in the client editions. It's not a huge surprise that a hack could change this, although it could potentially be a license violation (the various editions are only licensed to use a certain amount of memory), which I suppose is against the rules. The hack is interesting and there's no harm in recognizing it as such, even though one should think long and hard about applying a patch that leaves the OS in an unsupported state, and whether just moving to 64-bit wouldn't be a better move.