Full Smolov Squat Program

The most popular bodybuilding message boards! Smolov, Full Program. Smolov Squat Program. Smolov Routine Review: The Smolov Squat Cycle and Smolov Junior For Bench. Provides six different full programs for novice and intermediate lifters.
Here is a spreadsheet for the original Smolov Squat Routine that works for kg and lbs. Starteam Linux Client more. Update: I just added a sheet that calculates the Smolov Jr Program (choose the “Smolov Jr” bottom tab).
Since I am currently torturing my weak legs with this thing I thought that maybe some of you want to join the fun. Creative Sbs 380 Driver Download. Also if you ran Smolov before, I’d love to hear your experiences in the comments. The spreadsheet was created by Juri (who also shared ) and covers the entire 13 week program, not just the base cycle. It’s based on the (which is a copy of the original article by Smolov).
Download: • • choose File – ‘Make a Copy’ or ‘Download as’ (xlsx for excel for example) How To Use • Enter your 1RM in the green cell in the top left corner. Be conservative here (after starting with my actual max, I reduced it by 5kg in Base week 3) • Notation is Weight x Reps x Sets • You can edit the Increase 1 & 2. For kg the original program calls for a 10kg increase on Base Week 2 and a 5kg increase for the week after (Base 3). If you think in pounds then you obviously need to change these values to 20 and 10 respectively • In Base Week 4 you test your 1RM and then then plug in your new number in the other green cell labeled “New 1RM” • Caution: since the increases in Base 1&2 are not based on your 1RM, i.e. Constants, you might want to adjust those to account for your strength levels.
Or else the program will call for ten sets of triples very close to your 1RM 🙂. Vdi 4640. It would probably be even more miserable but Smolov does follow the principles of the soviets’ concentrated loading periods taking advantage of the long term delayed training effect so certainly should work. Bare in mind that concentrated loading is supposed to impose a temporary negative effect on your functional indicators and will really expose any weak links in the kinetic chain, so make sure your front squat technique is up to scratch, otherwise I imagine your back will start to give in well before your legs get the most of the routine. I used the smolov jr for the front squat. Works fine for 4 weeks. More weight every week.