Patches For Mainstage 3 Forum

MainStage 3 lets you take your Mac to the stage with a full-screen interface optimized for live performance, flexible hardware control, and a massive collection of. If you haven’t caught on to “Say the Word” from Hillsong United’s latest album, you should have a listen. Lyrically, it really captured my attention and heart.
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately I don't see the same options. In my Screen Control Inspector under 'Hardware Input' I just hsve an Assign button, then three options to select from as follows: MIDI PORT - Set to 'All' CHANNEL - Set to 'Channel 1-16' (I tried changing this to Channel 1 like you but the patches still do not change in sequence.) VELOCITY SENSITIVITY - Set to 'Neutral' I do not have the options on 'Type', 'Number', 'Midi Thru' or 'Send Value To' like on your screen shot. How do I get the same Hardware Input options? Is there something in the top menu I need to select to get these? I am using MainStage 3.
Nov 4, 2014 8:17 AM. In 'Layout' mode I clicked on the 'Patch Down' button on the MacBook screen, clicked the 'Assign' button in the 'Screen Control Inspector' then pressed the 'down arrow' button to the right of the Kurzweil screen. Epoxy Blacktop Patch. (This is the button I also use to move down patches on the Kurzweil keyboard.) It showed a midi message was being sent. I then cancelled the 'Assign' button and tried out the patch change. It worked fine to start with and moved down three patches in order then suddenly on the next click jumped about a dozen patches. I used the arrow button on the MacBook to put it back to the correct patch before it jumped.
Fall Asleep Jars Of Clay Piano Chords. It then worked for a few more patches in turn before jumping again. I am using a combination of Apple sounds from the Instrument Library, and East West Symphonic Orchestra sounds layered with the Apple sounds. I always make the Apple sound the first channel strip on each patch. Any ideas why it should work sometimes then suddenly jump?