Gothic 3 Community Patch V1.5
The Gothic_3_Community_Patch_v1.5.exe file you have requested: Official Patches / v15 / Gothic 3 v1.5 Community Patch - 24.69mb is not available. Perhaps try browsing all files for the game and you want to share or are missing. This is the only information we could locate: Fixes: The river and ocean sounds Ingame time display with graphics adjusting the depth of field-effect in the options menu Quicksaves with time mark Roast meatbug meat at a campfire New random loading screens As well as a This patch will bring your game to v1.5. We recommend you return to the and browse the links from there. If the problem persists, with the details.
By Gorath, 2007-12-14 14:40:42 The busy as a bee community team released their new Unofficial Gothic 3 Community Patch today.

Hi, Today we present you as a small Christmas present the Community Patch 1. Delta Mortising Attachment 17-905 Manual. 5.2, which will turn off the copy protection of Gothic 3, the Community Patch 1.5.2 is. The busy as a bee community team released their new Unofficial Gothic 3 Community Patch today. V1.5.2's fix list is short - but in this case size does not matter.