Program To Draw Shapes In Java
You have already learned how to draw most of shapes represented in the java.awt.geom package. To create more complicated geometry, such as polygons, polylines, or stars you use another class from this package, GeneralPath. This class implements the interface and represents a geometric path constructed from lines, and quadratic and cubic curves. The three constructors in this class can create the object with the default winding rule ( WIND_NON_ZERO), the given winding rule ( WIND_NON_ZERO or WIND_EVEN_ODD), or the specified initial coordinate capacity. The winding rule specifies how the interior of a path is determined.
Neue Helvetica Arabic Roman. Mar 05, 2016 To develop menu based application to draw shapes >Java ME Program Mobile Communication and Computing Program.
Core Approach When overriding the paintComponent method of a Swing component, always call super.paintComponent. Modify drawing parameters (optional). Drawing parameters are applied to the Graphics2D object, not to the Shape object. Changes to the graphics context ( Graphics2D) apply to every subsequent drawing of a Shape. SetPaint(fillColorOrPattern); g2d. SetStroke(penThicknessOrPattern); g2d. SetComposite(someAlphaComposite); g2d.