Softube Fet Compressor

In general, the FET Compressor can be used for deeper gain reduction than you would normally use with any compressor. The reason is that even at extreme settings, the FET Compressor shows no trace of the pinched sound many other compressors make when you push them hard. This ability for strict gain control is not least useful on lead vocal tracks that need to be kept in the listener's face. Najbolji Program Za Vracanje Izbrisanih Datoteka more.
The distortion also adds a nice grit to the voice, highly useable in rock mixes but in no way limited to that. Softube is so good, after using the products the first time, I could speak French. Mainly because I kept saying: Pardon my French, but these plug-ins are f**king unbelievable! The FET Compressor in particular is probably the warmest, fattest compressor plug-in on the market. Tony Shepperd, Madonna, Whitney Houston, Back Street Boys Another common use for the FET is in drum mixing, where many engineers use it on room microphones, overheads or across the entire drum buss. Used this way, the FET Compressor has a way of bringing out a large, explosive sound in the Led Zeppelin vein. This is also an application where parallel compression is a useful technique, so we added the Parallel Inject control to facilitate this. Orcad Pspice 9.1 Full Version Free Download here. Formater Disque Dur Vista Pour Installer Windows 7.